What are the benefits of web3 domain names?

Defichain Domains
2 min readMar 18, 2023

Let us explain, highlighting, in our opinion, the positive sides and why we decided to work on the project.

A web3 domain allows complete control over the user’s online identity — Unlike traditional domains, which large companies or organizations often own, web3 domains can be owned by individuals or groups. It enables users to use their domain to represent themselves or their brand in a more personal way with unique identifiers in NFT form.

In addition, Web3 domain names do not require a centralized registrar, and there are no middlemen involved, making them budget-friendly.

They are more secure — Since they are stored on the blockchain, web3 domain names cannot be tampered with or taken down by anyone, making them ideal for hosting sensitive data or building censorship-resistant applications. They are also more resilient to hacking and other attacks as they do not have a central point of failure.

They are more private — Unlike traditional domains, which are often registered using personal information, web3 domain names can be registered anonymously. User identity will not be linked to their domain, giving them more privacy online.

They are future-proof — As the internet moves towards a more decentralized model, web3 domain names will become increasingly popular.

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DeFiChain Domains team

