Why should you get a DeFiChain Domain?

Defichain Domains
2 min readApr 7, 2023


Get the best out of DeFiChain Domains

Dear DeFiChain community, good question. Here are project team’s top reasons why we decided to work on a domain service for DeFiChain:

Buy Once, Own forever

The Web3 domain you buy on DeFiChain Domains doesn’t have any renewal fee attached. You are not renting, you are buying it! And of course, you will be able to sell it whenever you want on a NFT marketplace.

Easily Manage Wallet Addresses

You can forget about those complex addresses. All you need is your DeFiChain Domain and you can use it to transfer Tokens/NFTs across multiple chains and bridges. Note: This require DeFiChain Domains integration with the respective dApps/wallets/bridges, the team is already working on it.

Digital Presence

Web3 domain name is your digital ID. It’s your online presence no matter if it comes to a crypto address or a website, or another application you want to add under the name.


Unlike the personal details provided when registering a traditional domain name, Web3 domains can be set anonymously and users’ IDs won’t be linked to their blockchain domains unless you explicitly add them to your domain records.


Because of the decentralized network, the Web3 domains exist on, they are less vulnerable to hacking. The lack of a main server means lack of possibility of global failure. While on the blockchain, this type of domain names cannot be taken or tampered and this makes them ideal to host sensitive data.


For now, the Web3 domain names are cheaper and at the same time, they represent a perfect glimpse to the future of the World Wide Web. You might pocket the next big domain that someone will buy from you for a lot more in the future!

If you, as us, believe in the future of DeFiChain and of Web3, you should consider getting yours once we launch on defichain-domains.com.

Follow us on Twitter at @defichaindomain, drop us a tweet or a DM if you have any question.


DeFiChain Domains

